The Lloyd Shaw Foundation is dedicated to the preservation, restoration and teaching of the folk dances of America.
Cue Terminology
This simple glossary is intended for the non-dancer or the new dancer. We hope knowledge of these terms will make use of the cue sheet library easier, and allow you to visualize the many dances presented.
Butterfly Position: Facing partner, arms spread wide at shoulder level, hands joined.
bwd: Backward movement
Closed Position: Standard waltz position. Partners face each other, man's right arm around woman's waist, woman's left
arm on man's right shoulder. Man's left and woman's right arms extended at shoulder height, hands
COH: Center of Hall
CCW: Counter-clockwise direction. Consider the hall as a clock with the caller in the 12 O'clock position.
CW: Clockwise, see above.
diag: Diagonal movement to line of dance.
fwd: Forward movement
LOD: Line of Dance - in the direction of dance. In a waltz or round dance this is generally counterclockwise.
L: left - foot, side or hand depending on context.
meas: measure or measures. One comlete set of beats (3 beats in 3/4 time, 4 in 4/4 etc).
Semi-closed position: See closed above. In this case, arm position is identical but partners face line of dance, hips together.
Skater's position: Partner's both face line of dance, side by side, woman on man's right. Left arms extended shoulder
height, right hands joined at woman's right hip.
RLOD: Movement in reverse line of dance. In round dancing this is usually clockwise. See LOD above.
Varsouvianna position: Partners stand side by side, woman on the man's right. Right hands joined just above woman's her
right shoulder, left hands joined across in front of him and at her shoulder height. Hands above
woman's right shoulder should be actually in the air and not resting on her shoulder. Joined left hands
are not collapsed back against the man's chest but should be held forward so that there is a space
between couple.
bwd: Backward movement
Closed Position: Standard waltz position. Partners face each other, man's right arm around woman's waist, woman's left
arm on man's right shoulder. Man's left and woman's right arms extended at shoulder height, hands
COH: Center of Hall
CCW: Counter-clockwise direction. Consider the hall as a clock with the caller in the 12 O'clock position.
CW: Clockwise, see above.
diag: Diagonal movement to line of dance.
fwd: Forward movement
LOD: Line of Dance - in the direction of dance. In a waltz or round dance this is generally counterclockwise.
L: left - foot, side or hand depending on context.
meas: measure or measures. One comlete set of beats (3 beats in 3/4 time, 4 in 4/4 etc).
Semi-closed position: See closed above. In this case, arm position is identical but partners face line of dance, hips together.
Skater's position: Partner's both face line of dance, side by side, woman on man's right. Left arms extended shoulder
height, right hands joined at woman's right hip.
RLOD: Movement in reverse line of dance. In round dancing this is usually clockwise. See LOD above.
Varsouvianna position: Partners stand side by side, woman on the man's right. Right hands joined just above woman's her
right shoulder, left hands joined across in front of him and at her shoulder height. Hands above
woman's right shoulder should be actually in the air and not resting on her shoulder. Joined left hands
are not collapsed back against the man's chest but should be held forward so that there is a space
between couple.